
Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year's Resulutions. . . .Revisited

Oh, how foolish we can be sometimes. . .believing in things that really aren't there and daring to dream ridiculous visions. I thought I had the courage and the hope to make some resolutions this year. I thought I would dare to make a plan. I thought that looking forward wouldn't be so scary anymore. I thought wrong.

There will be no resolutions. I will take life day by day. . . .maybe hour by hour. I will be grateful for each one of those hours and days, but I will expect nothing beyond that. I learned that lesson again, today. I will try to remember it and not step out of what "I" have become.

There will be no more posts here, I suppose. . . .at least for a while. No computer to use as an outlet to the great wherever or whatever that is out there.

It has been fun and uplifting and cathartic, while it lasted.

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