It's the week before Christmas, and things should be in a happy whirl for my older daughter, her husband, and their precious little son. It's his very first Christmas, and he'll be celebrating his first birthday on New Year's eve, so there should be joy abounding. Unfortunately, that's not exactly the case.
Like most young couples who have recently relocated to a new city, new jobs, a new home, and welcomed a new baby, they've been doing a lot of belt-tightening and penny-counting over the past two years. Like most young couples, they would love to indulge their most adorable child with all of the toys, books, clothes, and other goodies that seem to define 'Merry Christmas' in today's world. Like most young couples, that can't be so, and they have worked diligently at taking what extra few dollars they could and spending them wisely, so that their child could have a happy and memorable first Christmas and birthday.
Unfortunately, it is also the time of year when colds are circulating; the flu is rearing it's ugly head; and germs are thriving on every surface imaginable. Since my daughter has to take her son to work with her every day, he is often exposed to a lot more germs, weather extremes, etc., and it was just a matter of time before they were hit by some random bacteria or another. And, hit they have been. . .with not one but two ear infections! Oh, how I wish that I was there to hug my grandson and soothe his suffering. How I wish that I was there to help my daughter and give her rest. But I am not, and cannot be.
Christmas toys will go back to the store now, so that doctor's visits and prescriptions can be paid for. He's only one year old, so he really won't remember those parts of Christmas and his birthday that he 'missed'. He will have mommy and daddy and his two happy dogs, and he'll feel better soon. My daughter and son-in-law will miss something, though, and that makes me sad. Until you are a parent yourself, you really can't understand how important it becomes to you that certain milestone moments live up to your expectations and hopes. While they both know that presents don't define an occasion nor measure love, there is a special, magical feeling they'll miss out on this year. God willing, they will have many, many years of magic yet to come, but I still ache for them this year.
I hope it snows for Christmas. It makes things brighter and happier and gives us all an excuse to act like a kid again. With healthy ears and his fever gone, my grandson could celebrate a super-special Christmas with his mom, his dad, and his 'gogs', making snow angels! I will wish for that.
1 comment:
Duncan is doing much better today. His runny nose seems to be subsiding, although he is still pretty congested. His fever is gone, thank God, but he's still kind of puny. He's not eating as much as usual, but he is sleeping (more or less). Hopefully, the doctor caught the ear infections quickly enough that he'll get through it without much discomfort. I count ourselves lucky that he's made it almost to one year old and this is his first real big illness (other than a mild cold around Halloween).
We haven't had to return any toys to the store, but I'd say Christmas shopping is done for this year. Duncan will have presents under the tree from Heath and I, as well as some surprises from Santa. We have had so many blessings this year, and they won't fit under the tree! As long as we are together, it will be a magical first Christmas for Duncan and us as well. I only wish we could have all our family with us this holiday, but we'll have to settle for loving thoughts and calls on Christmas Day.
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