
Friday, December 21, 2007


Given the way the first half of my day went, this posting could have been about yet another discouraging diagnosis, or a disappointing turn of events, or my depressing lack of the traditional holiday trimmings, but -- thanks to a very special surprise -- I am delighted to say that I received a giant booster-shot of Christmas spirit and a full dose of 'happy'!!!

Evidently, Santa is taking a little R & R on the Gulf coast of Florida, this week, in preparation for his big night. Through the miracle of kindness (and a little help from the post office), he enlisted my sister Judy, and her significant other/lifelong friend/guardian angel David, and they sent me the most wonderful box of goodies and smiles! There were some heat-and-serve turkey dinners, cranberry sauce, lots of exciting snacking treats, a special little Christmas tree, an adorable stuffed buddy, a puzzle book, some personal items, and LOTS OF CHOCOLATE!!! It was like a Christmas stocking in a box!!!

"Thank you" won't cover what I feel in my heart, but they are the only words I can say. "Thank you" to Judy, to David, and to my daughter's, to my family, and to my friends. I have much to feel grateful for. . . .and a spoonful of 'happy' to enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great! I'm glad that you're sounding significantly more chipper than you have been. Judy's the best at making any day 200% better! : ) Remember not to eat ALL the chocolate in one sitting! lol
