
Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Eye of the Beholder. . . .

What a week this has been! Among other things, I managed to get a small piece of glass (or other sharp foreign object) lodged in my left eye, resulting in a small puncture and/or scratch. Got the offending object out and rinsed my eye well, so I really believed that there would be no more complication. Ha! Couldn't have been more wrong!

Evidently, a raging infection has taken hold and turned my otherwise average looking eye into something that resembles Jabba The Hut, from "Star Wars"! My best guess is that I may have picked up a staph infection in the ER, last week, or one of the many house animals here may have given me a little transfer infection of some kind. Either way, it ain't pretty!

My first clue that something was amiss came at about 4:00 a.m., when I went to the restroom and realized that all I was seeing out of my left eye was my left cheek! Hmmmm. In the glare of the bathroom light, I looked in the mirror to find an ugly, red, swollen eye socket and horrifically bloodshot eyeball staring back at me. Ewww and ouch!

At this point, I am rinsing the offending eye with boric acid solution once an hour and keeping a cold compress on it (for the only comfort I can get), and it continues to grow! Guess it will be another unscheduled doctor visit on Monday, if things don't dramatically improve. . . . ugh!

Meanwhile, here's looking at you. . . .from my one good eye!

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