
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sleep deprivation. . . .revisited

What is it about the nights that make them so very long and restless? It can't be the accommodations. . . .'cause I have a beautiful, comfortable, warm canopy bed at my disposal.

It can't be the environment. . . .'cause I am in a warm home, with compassionate people to surround me.

It can't be for lack of activity or busy waking hours. . . .'cause I am keeping busy with all the tasks at hand, from morning until late evening.

Yet. . . .as the clock ticks past midnight and beyond, my mind starts to race and I cannot sleep. All the what-if's and if-only's creep into my head. I worry about people who I care about but no longer see. I pace around, trying to figure out solutions to problems my children are facing, or that the world is confronted with, or that simply invade my psyche and will not give me peace!

How do you turn off your brain, for just a few blissful hours? How do you shut off your heart from aching? How do you sleep. . . . . .????

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