
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Good night, Dawn. . . .

It's been 32 days since I last heard your voice. . . .and much, much longer since your laughter filled my heart with joy. It's been many, many weeks since I last saw your blue eyes look towards mine. . . . .and much, much longer since those eyes sparkled with a shared happiness or memory.

I play your voice back, on my cell phone, just so I can hear you say "I love you, Mom" one more time.

I miss my friend.

[Note to those who assume to know it all: No 'anonymous' comments will be allowed on this blog, hereafter. Thank you.]


Anonymous said...

Telephone works both ways Bonnie. Maybe you should be the mom here and reach out to your daughter PERSONALLY and not through your blog.
Your pity party is getting WAY OLD!

VLane said...

Sadly, we are a STUBBORN family. Hopefully, one day (I pray that it's soon)we can ALL reach out to each other without judgement, animosity, or anger and work on becoming a family again.