
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Story. . . . .

I'm an old lady. I've spent a lifetime working hard and trying to 'play by the rules.' I've had at least my share of bumps in the road, yet always managed to keep moving. . . .somehow. Until now. Until my world changed yet again, and I find myself caught in a quagmire of physical infirmity (which limits what I can do) and lawsuit turmoil (which limits what I can do) and emotional drama (which limits what I can do. . .and what I can think or feel). It is a bizarre life that is frustrating, draining, disappointing, and even occasionally inspiring, but all-too-often depressing.

I'm an old lady. The world of computers, emails, and blogs is both new and mystifying to me, yet here I am. I've enjoyed keeping up with a few blogs recently (mostly family members), and thought that this might be a good vehicle for me to put my thoughts out into the universe. Not to vent, because there's no use moaning over things one cannot change. Not to whine, because having a pity party only serves to increase the depression. But to express some of the things that go through my mind and perhaps help clear my head just a little.

So. . . .if there is anyone out there reading this, let me apologize from the outset. Among many other things, I seem to suffer from 'popcorn brain' and random thoughts come and go with no discernable link between them, so this will not likely be an easy, interesting, nor fun blog to keep up with. If you check in once in a while, though, you might find a nugget of wisdom or a musing which could give a lift to your day or open your mind to something new. Who knows? Not me.

I'm an old lady. And I'm putting my thoughts out there. . . . .

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