
Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Not So Ho Ho Holiday. . . .

Growing up, the weeks leading from Thanksgiving all the way through New Year's Day were filled with excitement, anticipation, decorating, baking, family, friends, and tons of warm memories! As an adult, with a growing family of my own, I always tried to keep those traditions going, hoping to make memories for my children which would be as joyful for them as those I hold so dear.

There have been some 'difficult' holiday seasons, over the years, but most have been wonderful times to remember. Most of those wonderful memories are of the time we spent together. I cherish those times.

This year, however, there will be no special memories I'll want to call upon. There will be no time with my children nor my precious new grandson. There will be no decorations nor home-baked goodies. There will be no wreath or tree. There will be no gifts, cards, visits from neighbors, laughter, songs, nor stockings full of surprises.

This year, I will be alone. . . .living in a faraway place, in a rickety old house trailer, with 'cup-o-noodles' for dinner, and no smiles to share. This year, it'll be hard -- if not impossible -- to look towards Christmas with anything more than dread.

Guess I could crawl under the blanket and cry myelf through the holiday. . . .but that would only make things worse. Instead, I will try my darndest to recall every warm, happy, funny, loving, generous, sparkling memory I have, of all the blessed Christmases I've been so fortunate to have. I will feast on that, and be happy.

My very best wishes to all, for a happy and heartfelt holiday!

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